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For best results we advise to purchase the Beauty Works swatches to get the perfect match VH185.

Once seal is broken or removed, these items are non-returnable

Beauty Works Deluxe clip-in extensions are made from hand selected 100% Remy cuticle retained human hair to create a natural look you would normally associate with permanent salon hair extensions. The cuticle retains the hairs natural shine and vitality allowing the hair to behave tangle-free throughout its lifetime. This hair type is reusable and can be heated, styled and washed just like your own. Easy to apply in the comfort of your own home without glue or special tools - these clip in extensions let you change your hair length as often as you change your mind. A wardrobe essential these clip-in hair extensions usually last many months or can last up to a year depending on the general care they receive.

Contains: Deluxe Clip In 18inch Raven.

Product Code: OX816AS

Beauty Works Deluxe Clip in 18inch Hair Extensions - Raven

Now £138.00

Colour: No Colour


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If for any reason you want to return an item simply send it back in new condition within 28 days using one of our flexible options. For full details please visit our returns policy.

This item is non-returnable unless faulty. For details of your rights to return or cancel, please refer to our returns policy for full details.

For best results we advise to purchase the Beauty Works swatches to get the perfect match VH185.

Once seal is broken or removed, these items are non-returnable

Beauty Works Deluxe clip-in extensions are made from hand selected 100% Remy cuticle retained human hair to create a natural look you would normally associate with permanent salon hair extensions. The cuticle retains the hairs natural shine and vitality allowing the hair to behave tangle-free throughout its lifetime. This hair type is reusable and can be heated, styled and washed just like your own. Easy to apply in the comfort of your own home without glue or special tools - these clip in extensions let you change your hair length as often as you change your mind. A wardrobe essential these clip-in hair extensions usually last many months or can last up to a year depending on the general care they receive.

Contains: Deluxe Clip In 18inch Raven.

Product Code: OX816AS

